[Expertise] What is the ISO ???

What is the ISO ???
The full English name is International Organization for Standardization, abbreviated as ISO, and the Chinese name is "International Organization for Standardization";But ,We have some questions ? ? Generally, the abbreviation is the first character of the full name in English. Why are the English arrangements of the abbreviation different? Because it originated from the Greek ISOS, which means "same", it was directly used officially.ISO is the international standards-setting body that develops international standards for industry and commerce around the world, and also cooperates with the International Electrotechnical Commission, which is responsible for standards for electronic equipment. We often see that ISO has numerical codes, which are international standard codes and are represented by numbers. For example: "14001" in "ISO 14001:1993" is the standard number, and "1993" is the year of publication.
Next, let's give you a few commonly heard ISO codes for you to understand !
ISO 9000
ISO9000 is an international standard related to quality management. The most commonly heard ISO9001 standard provides enterprises with a standardized procedure to help enterprises maintain products and services and ensure stable and consistent quality. Currently, more than 1 million companies around the world use ISO9001 certification.
ISO 14000
ISO14000 is an international standard formulated for corporate environmental management. The ISO14000 series is also divided into different standards according to different focuses. For example, ISO14001 is environmental management system. This standard is used for the harm caused to the environment by products from production to sales, corporate governance evaluation After the company listed "Has the company obtained ISO 14001 or similar environmental management system verification?" as an evaluation indicator for the "implementation of corporate social responsibility" aspect, whether the company has obtained ISO-related certifications has become the focus of attention.
ISO 22000
ISO22000 is a food safety management system standard and is an internationally renowned food safety management certification standard. The "Taiwan Stock Exchange's "Operation Methods for Preparing and Submitting Corporate Social Responsibility Reports of Listed Companies"" The percentage of products produced in factories that meet safety management system standards is listed as one of the performance indicators in the food industry, and ISO22000 is an important internationally recognized standard.
If you are interested in other codes, you can click on the link to the official website to learn more: https://www.iso.org/home.html