Q & A 問題

1. How will the goods be shipped after purchase?

General merchandise - store to store or mailed.

Specific products - Since this product is a high-end product, we will use face-to-face acceptance for complete confirmation by the customer. Customers who have this need please also leave your information and we will contact you immediately

一般商品  - 店舗間または郵送。
特定商品  - 本商品は高額商品のため、お客様に十分ご確認いただくため、対面での受付とさせていただきます。この必要があるお客様は、あなたの情報も残してください。すぐにご連絡させていただきます。

2. How can I contact you if I want to know about the  instrument?

1. "Home" -> Join LINE friends -> Tell us your needs -> We will contact you immediately

2. "Home" -> "Contact" page -> Tell us your requirements -> We will contact you immediately



3. Frequently asked question

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